Fabbri Group

The Fabbri Group (AKA Fabbri) is an Italian amusement rides manufacturer, based in Bergantino, a northern village of Italy.

Fabbri was founded and started manufacturing in 1950, just after World War II, by Romolo Fabbri. He found a way to convert war surplus material into 'a new productive means that could give new joy and hope for the future'.

Fabbri Group offer a large range of rides from children, to their launch coasters, which are their newest ride. Fabbri are most well known for manufacturing the Booster. Fabbri is also gaining attention from the rather intense Mega Drop which is a freefall attraction that shoots riders down instead of a true freefall, giving better g-forces than other larger freefall rides.

Some of Fabbri's rides include: